Garden of the Giants, Dept. 29

Garden of the Giants

Enter Online

2024 Entry Instructions

ONLINE ENTRY IS PREFERRED. To be an Exhibitor, click on the Online Entry link and follow the instructions. The alternate way to enter is to print out the offline entry form, fill it out, and mail it in according to the deadline outlined on the form and on the Entry Deadlines and Delivery Schedule page. If you are entering in Class 01, Pumpkins/Squash you must also fill out the 2024 Durham Weigh-Off entry form and mail or e-mail it to the Superintendent as directed on the form. (Please contact your Department if you are unable to print the entry form or have any issues.)

Rules for Class 01 Pumpkin/Squash

  1. Entries must be delivered on the Tuesday before the Fair between 2pm and 6pm.
  2. Entry must be grown by the exhibitor, and only 1 official entry per class per exhibitor is allowed. Other entries brought by the exhibitor will be considered as exhibition and will be weighed and exhibited, but not eligible for prize money or awards.
  3. The grower of the exhibit entry MUST be present at the weigh in for an official weight. If the grower is not present, the entry will be weighed and displayed as exhibition only and will not be eligible for a prize.
  4. All entries must remain intact and on display for the duration of the Fair (6pm Tues. to 9am Mon. when they can be picked up).
  5. If a pumpkin is determined to be 100% gray/green in color, the entry will be titled as a squash, and will still be eligible for prize money and a ribbon as stated above, since the placing is based on weight.
  6. All entries over 50 lbs. must be on a pallet to facilitate the unloading process.
  7. All entries must be healthy and must be free of rot, holes/cracks that protrude into the cavity and serious soft spots, as well as free and clean of chemicals or fungicide residue. Fruits that have been weighed at another weigh-off are not eligible to be entered.
  8. All entries are subject to inspection prior to being weighed. Judges are allowed to disqualify an entry if it does not meet all requirements.
  9. The Durham Agricultural Fair follows all official GPC (Great Pumpkin Commonwealth ) rules. For a list of these rules you can go to or contact the Superintendent.
  10. All exhibits and ribbons should be picked up on the Monday after the Fair between 9am–3pm If you are unable to pick up during that time you most make arrangements with the Superintendent or the entry will be discarded.

Rules for Bushel Gourds Class 02

  1. Bushel Gourds must be free of rot/cracks, splits, and holes.
  2. If a bushel gourd has been cross pollinated it will be disqualified.
  3. The Durham Agriculture Fair follows all GPC rules.
  4. Exhibits may be dropped off from 2pm-8pm on the Tuesday before the Fair.

Rules for Watermelon Class 03

  1. Rules for watermelons are the same as giant pumpkins/squash. The Durham Agriculture Fair follows all GPC rules.
  2. Exhibits may be dropped off from 2pm-8pm on the Tuesday before the Fair.

Rules for Giant Tomatoes Class 04

  1. All tomatoes must be healthy. Free of significant soft spots, mold, decay or leakage.
  2. Tomatoes will be weighed on a certified scale.
  3. No frozen specimens are allowed.
  4. The Durham Fair follows all GPC rules.
  5. Exhibits may be dropped off from 2pm–6pm on the Tuesday before the Fair.

Rules for Long Gourds Class 05

  1. Long Gourds are strictly awarded based on length.
  2. The Long Gourd must be on a flat surface that can support the entire specimen.
  3. No part of the stem is included in the measurement.
  4. Entries must be free of rot/holes, whole and firm.
  5. If the Long Gourd has been crossed pollinated it will be disqualified.
  6. The Durham Agriculture Fair follows all GPC rules.
  7. Exhibits may be dropped off from 2pm–6pm on the Tuesday before the Fair.

Rules for Sunflowers Classes 06 & 07

  1. Entries must be delivered on Tuesday before the Fair between 2:00-8:00
  2. All entries must remain intact and on display for the duration of the Fair.
  3. Judging will take place on the Wednesday afternoon prior to the Fair. For Class 06 Big Head Sunflower over the top measurement will be used to determine the size. For Class 07, Tallest Sunflower, measurements will be taken from the base of the stem (above the root ball) to the top of the sunflower stem. 
  4. Ribbons and entries can be picked up on the Monday after the Fair between 9am -3pm, If you are unable to pick up your ribbons at that time please contact the Superintendent.

Rules for Field Pumpkins Class 08

  1. Rules for field pumpkins are the same as giant pumpkins/squash. The Durham Agriculture Fair follows all GPC rules.
  2. If a field pumpkin has been cross pollinated with a Marrow it will be disqualified.
  3. Exhibits may be dropped off from 2pm–8pm on the Tuesday before the Fair.

Rules for Carved Pumpkins Class CP

  1. One entry per person
  2. Entries MUST be carved prior to being dropped off at the Fair. Carving at the Fair is not permitted.
  3. All entries MUST be preserved prior to drop off.
  4. Description of how the pumpkin was preserved must be presented on a 3x5 index card along with your name and address. (Examples include but not limited to: bleach, wax, WD-40).
  5. Entries are to be delivered on the Tuesday prior to the Fair between 2pm and 6pm     
  6. Judging will take place on Wednesday afternoon.
  7. People’s Choice vote will take place from the time the Fair opens on Thursday until closing on Friday. The winner will be announced Saturday morning.
  8. Entries should be between 10” and 20” tall.
  9. All entries must remain intact and on display for the duration of the Fair.
  10. Judging is based on the following criteria:
    1. Quality
    2. Creativity
    3. Detail
  11. Ribbons can be picked up on the Monday after the Fair between 9am-3pm. If you are unable to pick up your ribbon at that time please contact the Superintendent.


Class Code & Name $ Prize Amount
1st 2nd 3rd
01 Giant Pumpkins/Squash
1st: $3,000 | 2nd: $2,000 | 3rd: $800 | 4th: $700 | 5th: $600 | 6th: $500 | 7th: $400 | 8th: $300 | 9th: $200 | 10th: $100
3,000 2,000 800
03 Watermelon 150 100 50
05 Long Gourd 150 100 50
04 Tomatoes 25 10 5
02 Bushel Gourds 150 100 50
06 Big Head Sunflower 25 10 5
07 Tallest Sunflower 25 10 5
08 Field Pumpkin 150 100 50
09 Marrow 50 25 15
CP Carved Pumpkin 25 10 5

Bonus Awards

  • Ugly Pumpkin: $25
  • Howard Dill Award for prettiest Atlantic Giant Pumpkin: $150
  • All Green Atlantic Giant Squash: $100
  • Connecticut State Record Pumpkin: $500


  • Ryan Cleveland
    Higganum, CT
  • Chelsea Cleveland
    Asst. Superintendent
    [email protected]


  • Eric Amber
  • Lloyd Blair
  • Sue Blair
  • Lindsay Carlson
  • Tyler Carlson
  • Ben Gardiner
  • David Gardiner
  • Wendy Gardiner
  • Rich Manley
  • Jen McDonough
  • Michael McDonough
  • Kathryn York