Poultry, Dept. 04


Enter Online

General Rules

Please read the State Department of Agriculture rules, IAFE rules and the Durham Agricultural Fair Association General Rules for Livestock Exhibitors before entering.

2024 Entry Instructions


  1. Enter online by clicking on the Online Entry link, follow the instructions and print the COMPLETED online entry form.
  2. Mail the following items postmarked after July 31 and before September 1 to Durham Fair Association, Attn. Livestock Entries, P.O. Box 225, Durham, CT 06422: o
    • Printed online entry form.
    • Additional Entry Form printed and filled out.
    • Health certificates for each animal entered.
    • All applicable fees.
  3. Entries must arrive Thursday, the first day of the Fair, between 2 and 8 PM.

If you would rather use the offline entry form, please contact the Department Superintendent.


Class Code & Name $ Prize Amount
Grand Champion Sr/Jr. (Selected from all groups of classes within the Bantam, Standard, & Waterfowl Divisions) Rosette & $25
Bantams 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Each breed includes sub categories for Cock (C), Cockrel (CK), Hen (H), & Pullet (P) which are included at the end of the Class Code number during submission.
Sr./Jr. Champion Bantam Rosette & $20
Sr./Jr. Reserve Bantam Rosette & $10
01 Ameraucana 10 9 8 7
02 American Game 10 9 8 7
03 Ancona 10 9 8 7
04 Andalusion 10 9 8 7
05 Antwerp Belgian 10 9 8 7
06 Araucana 10 9 8 7
07 Aseel 10 9 8 7
08 Australorp 10 9 8 7
09 Belgian d'Anver 10 9 8 7
10 Belgian d'Uccle 10 9 8 7
11 Booted 10 9 8 7
12 Brahma 10 9 8 7
13 Buckeye 10 9 8 7
14 Buttercup 10 9 8 7
15 Chantecler 10 9 8 7
16 Cochin 10 9 8 7
17 Cornish 10 9 8 7
18 Delaware 10 9 8 7
19 Dominique 10 9 8 7
20 Dorking 10 9 8 7
22 Dutch 10 9 8 7
23 Faverolle 10 9 8 7
24 Frizzle 10 9 8 7
25 Hamburg 10 9 8 7
26 Houdan 10 9 8 7
27 Japanese 10 9 8 7
28 Jersey Giant 10 9 8 7
29 Kentucky Speck 10 9 8 7
30 Lafleche 10 9 8 7
31 Lakenvelder 10 9 8 7
32 Lamona 10 9 8 7
33 Langshan 10 9 8 7
34 Leghorn 10 9 8 7
35 Malay 10 9 8 7
36 Minora 10 9 8 7
37 Modern Game 10 9 8 7
38 Naked Neck 10 9 8 7
39 Nankin 10 9 8 7
40 New Hampshire Red 10 9 8 7
41 Old English Game 10 9 8 7
42 Orpington 10 9 8 7
43 Phoenix 10 9 8 7
44 Pigeon 10 9 8 7
45 Plymouth Rock 10 9 8 7
46 Polish 10 9 8 7
47 Pyncheon 10 9 8 7
48 Rhode Island Red 10 9 8 7
49 RI White 10 9 8 7
50 Rosecomb 10 9 8 7
51 Salmon Favoralle 10 9 8 7
52 Sebright 10 9 8 7
53 Serama 10 9 8 7
54 Shamo 10 9 8 7
55 Silkie 10 9 8 7
56 Silke, Non-Bearded 10 9 8 7
57 Speckled Susses 10 9 8 7
58 Sultan 10 9 8 7
59 Sumatra 10 9 8 7
60 Sussex 10 9 8 7
61 Tournaisis 10 9 8 7
62 Turken 10 9 8 7
63 Wyandotte 10 9 8 7
Standard 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Each breed includes sub categories for Cock (C), Cockrel (CK), Hen (H), & Pullet (P) which are included at the end of the Class Code number during submission.
Sr./Jr. Champion Standard Rosette & $20
Sr./Jr. Reserve Standard Rosette & $10
01 Ameraucana 10 9 8 7
02 Ancona 10 9 8 7
03 Andulsian 10 9 8 7
04 Araucana 10 9 8 7
05 Australorp 10 9 8 7
06 Barnevelder 10 9 8 7
07 Brahma 10 9 8 7
08 Buckeye 10 9 8 7
09 Buttercup 10 9 8 7
10 California 10 9 8 7
11 Campine 10 9 8 7
12 Chanteclair 10 9 8 7
13 Cochin 10 9 8 7
14 Cornish 10 9 8 7
15 Crevecoeur 10 9 8 7
16 Delaware 10 9 8 7
17 Dominique 10 9 8 7
18 Dorking 10 9 8 7
19 Egyptian Fayoumis 10 9 8 7
20 Faverolle 10 9 8 7
21 French Lionesse 10 9 8 7
22 Frizzle 10 9 8 7
23 Guinea Fowl 10 9 8 7
24 Hamburg 10 9 8 7
25 Java 10 9 8 7
26 Jersey Giant 10 9 8 7
27 LaFleche 10 9 8 7
28 Lakenvelder 10 9 8 7
29 Langshan 10 9 8 7
30 Leghorn 10 9 8 7
32 Maran 10 9 8 7
33 Minorca 10 9 8 7
34 Modern Game 10 9 8 7
35 Naked Neck 10 9 8 7
36 New Hampshire Red 10 9 8 7
37 Old English Game 10 9 8 7
38 Orpington 10 9 8 7
39 Peacock 10 9 8 7
40 Peafowl 10 9 8 7
41 Phoenix 10 9 8 7
42 Plymouth Rock 10 9 8 7
43 Polish 10 9 8 7
44 Production 10 9 8 7
45 Redcap 10 9 8 7
46 Rhode Island Red 10 9 8 7
47 Rosecomb 10 9 8 7
48 Silkie 10 9 8 7
49 Spanish 10 9 8 7
50 Sultan 10 9 8 7
51 Sumatra 10 9 8 7
52 Sussex 10 9 8 7
53 Turken 10 9 8 7
54 Turkey 10 9 8 7
55 Welsummer 10 9 8 7
56 Wyandotte 10 9 8 7
Waterfowl 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Each breed includes sub categories for Cock (C), Cockrel (CK), Hen (H), & Pullet (P) which are included at the end of the Class Code number during submission.
Sr./Jr. Champion Waterfowl Rosette & $20
Sr./Jr. Reserve Waterfowl Rosette & $10
01 Ancona 10 9 8 7
02 Appleyard 10 9 8 7
03 Australian 10 9 8 7
04 Aylesbury 10 9 8 7
05 Buff 10 9 8 7
06 Call 10 9 8 7
07 Campbell 10 9 8 7
08 Cayuga 10 9 8 7
09 Crested 10 9 8 7
10 Duck 10 9 8 7
11 East Indie 10 9 8 7
12 Embdem 10 9 8 7
13 Goose 10 9 8 7
14 Harlequin 10 9 8 7
15 Hookbill 10 9 8 7
16 Magpie 10 9 8 7
17 Mallard 10 9 8 7
18 Mandarin 10 9 8 7
19 Muscovy 10 9 8 7
20 Pekin 10 9 8 7
21 Rouen 10 9 8 7
22 Runner 10 9 8 7
23 Sebastopol 10 9 8 7
24 Sebastopol 10 9 8 7
25 Silkie 10 9 8 7
26 Silver Appleyard 10 9 8 7
27 Swedish 10 9 8 7
28 Wood 10 9 8 7
Showmanship 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Jr. and Sr. Showmanship Sat. at 11 a.m.
A Novice Rosette
B Intermediate Rosette
C Advanced Rosette
Egg Competition Prize
Only 1 entry (egg) per class, per exhibitor. Must be fresh egg. Open to all exhibitors. No dyed eggs. Jr./Sr. awards given for each Egg class.
01 Largest Rosette & $10
02 Smallest Rosette & $10
03 Weirdest shape Rosette & $10
04 Most colorful Rosette & $10
05 Heaviest Rosette & $10
Educational Poster 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Open to juniors only. Poster not to exceed 11” x 17”. Subject of poster is educational information on poultry.

Ribbons Only


  • Colleen Greatsinger
  • Hedwig Porto
    Asst. Superintendent


  • Pat Congdon
  • Kaitelin Greatsinger
  • Kara Greatsinger
  • Todd Greatsinger
  • Alex Hawthorn
  • Ben Hurlbert
  • Mary Kelly
  • Ben LaRoche
  • Jean LaRoche
  • Tracey LaRoche
  • Don Lemon